Markets - Livestock

Contract Symbol Last Change High Low Open Previous VOL OI Quick Links
Jul-24 @NFN24 119.925 0 ... ... ... 119.925 0 1,261 ChartOptions
Aug-24 @NFQ24 122.250 0.050 122.250 122.250 122.250 122.200 1 1,401 ChartOptions
Sep-24 @NFU24 123.750 0.250 124 123.500 124 123.500 19 1,264 ChartOptions
Oct-24 @NFV24 124 0 124 123.800 124 124 37 1,264 ChartOptions
Nov-24 @NFX24 124.300 0 124.300 124.300 124.300 124.300 8 1,078 ChartOptions
Dec-24 @NFZ24 125.250 -0.250 125.250 125.250 125.250 125.500 2 1,108 ChartOptions
Jan-25 @NFF25 125.900 -0.350 ... ... ... 126.250 0 494 ChartOptions
Feb-25 @NFG25 126.400 -0.100 126.400 126.400 126.400 126.500 3 439 ChartOptions
Mar-25 @NFH25 126.600 -0.025 126.600 126.600 126.600 126.625 3 381 ChartOptions
Apr-25 @NFJ25 128.600 1.300 128.600 128.100 128.100 127.300 5 175 ChartOptions
May-25 @NFK25 129.300 1.775 129.300 129.300 129.300 127.525 5 162 ChartOptions
Jun-25 @NFM25 130.050 1.150 130.050 129.900 130.050 128.900 6 106 ChartOptions
Jul-25 @NFN25 129.925 0.725 ... ... ... 129.200 0 46 ChartOptions
Aug-25 @NFQ25 129.800 0 ... ... ... 129.800 0 37 ChartOptions
Sep-25 @NFU25 130 0 ... ... ... 130 0 33 ChartOptions
Oct-25 @NFV25 132 0 ... ... ... 132 0 15 ChartOptions
Nov-25 @NFX25 132 0 ... ... ... 132 0 15 ChartOptions
Dec-25 @NFZ25 132 0 ... ... ... 132 0 0 ChartOptions
Jan-26 @NFF26 139.425 0 ... ... ... 139.425 0 0 ChartOptions
Feb-26 @NFG26 140.025 0 ... ... ... 140.025 0 0 ChartOptions
Mar-26 @NFH26 143.025 0 ... ... ... 143.025 0 0 ChartOptions
Apr-26 @NFJ26 145.775 0 ... ... ... 145.775 0 0 ChartOptions
May-26 @NFK26 146.775 0 ... ... ... 146.775 0 0 ChartOptions
Jun-26 @NFM26 147.775 0 ... ... ... 147.775 0 0 ChartOptions

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