Markets - Grains

Contract Symbol Last Change High Low Open Previous VOL OI Quick Links
Sep-24 @OU24 322'2 -6'6 334'6 317'0 331'2 329'0 127 1,093 ChartOptions
Dec-24 @OZ24 312'2 -10'4 330'0 310'0 324'6 322'6 417 3,985 ChartOptions
Mar-25 @OH25 314'6 -10'6 ... ... ... 325'4 0 199 ChartOptions
May-25 @OK25 314'4 -13'0 ... ... ... 327'4 0 7 ChartOptions
Jul-25 @ON25 320'2 -13'0 ... ... ... 333'2 0 7 ChartOptions
Sep-25 @OU25 316'0 -13'0 ... ... ... 329'0 0 4 ChartOptions
Dec-25 @OZ25 321'2 -13'0 ... ... ... 334'2 0 6 ChartOptions
Mar-26 @OH26 318'2 -13'0 ... ... ... 331'2 0 0 ChartOptions
May-26 @OK26 324'2 -13'0 ... ... ... 337'2 0 0 ChartOptions
Jul-26 @ON26 314'4 -13'0 ... ... ... 327'4 0 5 ChartOptions
Sep-26 @OU26 330'2 -13'0 ... ... ... 343'2 0 0 ChartOptions

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