Markets - Grains

Underlying Price: 410'0
Expiration Date: 11/22/24

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Futures Chart
Calls Strike
OI High Low Prev Change Last Last Change Prev High Low OI
0 ... ... 320'6 -10'6 310'0 1000 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
2 ... ... 220'6 -10'6 210'0 2000 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 5
0 ... ... 210'6 -10'6 200'0 2100 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 200'6 -10'6 190'0 2200 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 190'6 -10'6 180'0 2300 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 180'6 -10'6 170'0 2400 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 170'6 -10'6 160'0 2500 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 3200
0 ... ... 160'6 -10'6 150'0 2600 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 150'6 -10'6 140'0 2700 0'2 0'1 0'1 ... ... 430
0 ... ... 140'6 -10'6 130'0 2800 0'3 0'1 0'2 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 130'6 -10'6 120'0 2900 0'3 0'1 0'2 ... ... 755
0 ... ... 120'6 -10'6 110'0 3000 0'3 0'1 0'2 ... ... 2368
12 ... ... 110'6 -10'5 100'1 3100 0'5 0'2 0'3 ... ... 1712
12 ... ... 100'7 -10'5 90'2 3200 0'7 0'2 0'5 0'7 0'6 4081
20 ... ... 91'0 -10'4 80'4 3300 1'1 0'2 0'7 1'1 1'0 2863
1 ... ... 81'3 -10'3 71'0 3400 1'5 0'3 1'2 1'5 1'4 1628
23 ... ... 71'7 -10'0 61'7 3500 2'4 0'6 1'6 2'4 1'5 13055
282 ... ... 62'5 -9'4 53'1 3600 3'5 1'1 2'4 3'5 3'0 3169
70 ... ... 53'6 -9'0 44'6 3700 5'2 1'6 3'4 5'1 4'3 5547
231 39'4 39'0 45'5 -8'3 37'2 3800 7'5 2'3 5'2 7'5 5'2 22403
169 ... ... 38'2 -7'5 30'5 3900 10'7 3'1 7'6 10'6 8'1 10663
2428 27'6 27'6 31'5 -6'6 24'7 4000 15'0 3'7 11'1 15'0 12'1 27854
8496 22'2 20'0 25'7 -5'7 20'0 4100 20'0 4'6 15'2 20'2 15'2 14190
10763 21'0 15'6 21'0 -5'1 15'7 4200 25'6 5'4 20'2 25'4 20'0 20568
10432 17'0 12'7 16'6 -4'1 12'5 4300 32'3 6'4 25'7 30'7 29'6 18245
9957 13'5 9'7 13'3 -3'4 9'7 4400 39'4 7'1 32'3 39'2 38'1 16809
36199 10'2 7'4 10'5 -2'7 7'6 4500 47'2 7'6 39'4 45'0 40'5 16100
12818 7'1 6'2 8'3 -2'1 6'2 4600 55'5 8'3 47'2 55'5 47'0 6404
18070 6'0 5'3 6'7 -2'0 4'7 4700 64'2 8'6 55'4 64'0 55'5 12334
17818 4'5 3'7 5'4 -1'5 3'7 4800 73'1 9'1 64'0 72'7 63'6 6964
11453 ... ... 4'4 -1'3 3'1 4900 82'3 9'3 73'0 78'5 78'5 3352
22049 3'4 2'5 3'5 -1'0 2'5 5000 91'6 9'6 82'0 89'0 89'0 7100
9684 2'4 2'2 3'0 -0'6 2'2 5100 101'3 10'0 91'3 ... ... 2724
13400 2'3 2'0 2'4 -0'5 1'7 5200 111'0 10'1 100'7 ... ... 3809
15179 1'6 1'6 2'1 -0'5 1'4 5300 120'5 10'2 110'3 ... ... 950
7392 1'5 1'4 1'6 -0'3 1'3 5400 130'4 10'4 120'0 ... ... 3139
14205 1'4 1'2 1'4 -0'3 1'1 5500 140'2 10'4 129'6 ... ... 2777
5868 ... ... 1'2 -0'2 1'0 5600 150'1 10'5 139'4 ... ... 933
5764 ... ... 1'1 -0'2 0'7 5700 160'0 10'4 149'4 ... ... 240
3253 1'0 1'0 1'0 -0'2 0'6 5800 170'0 10'5 159'3 ... ... 400
2768 ... ... 0'7 -0'1 0'6 5900 180'0 10'6 169'2 ... ... 10
15182 0'6 0'5 0'6 -0'1 0'5 6000 190'0 10'6 179'2 ... ... 762
842 0'6 0'6 0'5 -0'1 0'4 6100 200'0 10'6 189'2 ... ... 30
2421 ... ... 0'5 -0'1 0'4 6200 210'0 10'6 199'2 ... ... 0
1767 0'4 0'4 0'4 0'0 0'4 6300 220'0 10'6 209'2 ... ... 6
2445 0'4 0'4 0'4 -0'1 0'3 6400 230'0 10'6 219'2 ... ... 3
2149 ... ... 0'4 -0'1 0'3 6500 240'0 10'6 229'2 ... ... 48
1130 ... ... 0'3 0'0 0'3 6600 250'0 10'6 239'2 ... ... 22
1288 ... ... 0'3 -0'1 0'2 6700 260'0 10'6 249'2 ... ... 2
725 ... ... 0'3 -0'1 0'2 6800 270'0 10'6 259'2 ... ... 1
3036 ... ... 0'3 -0'1 0'2 6900 280'0 10'6 269'2 ... ... 1
2007 ... ... 0'2 0'0 0'2 7000 290'0 10'6 279'2 ... ... 0
1094 ... ... 0'2 -0'1 0'1 7100 300'0 10'6 289'2 ... ... 0
453 ... ... 0'2 -0'1 0'1 7200 310'0 10'6 299'2 ... ... 2
326 ... ... 0'2 -0'1 0'1 7300 320'0 10'6 309'2 ... ... 0
307 ... ... 0'2 -0'1 0'1 7400 330'0 10'6 319'2 ... ... 20
365 ... ... 0'2 -0'1 0'1 7500 340'0 10'6 329'2 ... ... 0
271 ... ... 0'2 -0'1 0'1 7600 350'0 10'6 339'2 ... ... 8
266 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 7700 360'0 10'6 349'2 ... ... 0
117 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 7800 370'0 10'6 359'2 ... ... 0
98 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 7900 380'0 10'6 369'2 ... ... 0
1050 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8000 390'0 10'6 379'2 ... ... 0
229 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8100 400'0 10'6 389'2 ... ... 0
1538 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8200 410'0 10'6 399'2 ... ... 0
153 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8300 420'0 10'6 409'2 ... ... 0
254 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8400 430'0 10'6 419'2 ... ... 0
1948 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8500 440'0 10'6 429'2 ... ... 0
37 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8600 450'0 10'6 439'2 ... ... 0
286 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8700 460'0 10'6 449'2 ... ... 0
315 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8800 470'0 10'6 459'2 ... ... 0
23 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 8900 480'0 10'6 469'2 ... ... 0
3819 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 9000 490'0 10'6 479'2 ... ... 0
1060 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 10000 590'0 10'6 579'2 ... ... 0
516 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 12500 840'0 10'6 829'2 ... ... 0

Market data is being provided by Telvent DTN and is the property of CME Group Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Market data is delayed at least 10 minutes. Website content is intended solely for users personal use and may not be redistributed. Sources are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy of data cannot be guaranteed. Futures and options trading involve significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. Carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Past performance is not indicative of future results. DairyVisor Inc. is registered with the CFTC as an introducing broker and is a member of the NFA.