Markets - Grains

Underlying Price: 394'4
Expiration Date: 07/26/24

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Futures Chart
Calls Strike
OI High Low Prev Change Last Last Change Prev High Low OI
0 ... ... 111'1 -11'5 99'4 2950 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 106'1 -11'5 94'4 3000 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 101'1 -11'5 89'4 3050 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 96'1 -11'5 84'4 3100 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 91'1 -11'5 79'4 3150 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 86'1 -11'5 74'4 3200 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 0
0 ... ... 81'1 -11'5 69'4 3250 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 370
0 ... ... 76'1 -11'5 64'4 3300 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 450
0 ... ... 71'1 -11'5 59'4 3350 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 950
0 ... ... 66'1 -11'5 54'4 3400 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 71
0 ... ... 61'1 -11'5 49'4 3450 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 866
0 ... ... 56'1 -11'5 44'4 3500 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 1117
4 ... ... 51'1 -11'5 39'4 3550 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 555
0 ... ... 46'1 -11'5 34'4 3600 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 603
10 ... ... 41'1 -11'5 29'4 3650 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 841
24 ... ... 36'1 -11'5 24'4 3700 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 3354
9 ... ... 31'1 -11'5 19'4 3750 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 1557
171 ... ... 26'1 -11'5 14'4 3800 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 6307
596 ... ... 21'1 -11'5 9'4 3850 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 3521
4974 ... ... 16'1 -11'5 4'4 3900 0'1 0'0 0'1 ... ... 6728
4887 7'0 0'2 11'1 -10'7 0'2 3950 0'4 0'3 0'1 0'7 0'1 3651
6503 4'4 0'1 6'3 -6'2 0'1 4000 5'4 5'1 0'3 5'0 0'5 5973
9721 2'4 0'0 2'3 -2'3 0'0 4050 10'4 9'1 1'3 10'5 1'2 7250
6937 0'2 0'1 0'5 -0'3 0'2 4100 15'4 10'7 4'5 14'6 10'2 9035
3747 ... ... 0'2 0'0 0'2 4150 20'4 11'2 9'2 18'4 16'4 2424
4685 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4200 25'4 11'3 14'1 24'6 19'7 4281
6947 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'0 0'1 4250 30'4 11'3 19'1 30'3 20'7 3777
4055 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4300 35'4 11'3 24'1 35'4 28'3 5416
3179 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4350 40'4 11'3 29'1 36'7 36'7 1746
8421 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'0 0'1 4400 45'4 11'3 34'1 38'2 38'2 5052
3034 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4450 50'4 11'3 39'1 ... ... 1898
12686 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4500 55'4 11'3 44'1 ... ... 1824
4535 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4550 60'4 11'3 49'1 60'2 56'3 286
8012 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4600 65'4 11'3 54'1 ... ... 3156
5730 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4650 70'4 11'3 59'1 ... ... 206
4493 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4700 75'4 11'3 64'1 ... ... 343
3974 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4750 80'4 11'3 69'1 ... ... 127
7946 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4800 85'4 11'3 74'1 ... ... 679
1893 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4850 90'4 11'3 79'1 ... ... 37
5940 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4900 95'4 11'3 84'1 ... ... 2
1598 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 4950 100'4 11'3 89'1 ... ... 147
14157 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5000 105'4 11'3 94'1 ... ... 72
880 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5050 110'4 11'3 99'1 ... ... 20
1947 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5100 115'4 11'3 104'1 ... ... 20
1930 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5150 120'4 11'3 109'1 ... ... 10
2175 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5200 125'4 11'3 114'1 ... ... 6
1883 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5250 130'4 11'3 119'1 ... ... 2
2954 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5300 135'4 11'3 124'1 ... ... 2
309 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5350 140'4 11'3 129'1 ... ... 10
1889 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5400 145'4 11'3 134'1 ... ... 19
472 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5450 150'4 11'3 139'1 ... ... 10
8818 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5500 155'4 11'3 144'1 ... ... 1
813 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5550 160'4 11'3 149'1 ... ... 0
579 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5600 165'4 11'3 154'1 ... ... 0
322 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5650 170'4 11'3 159'1 ... ... 0
465 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5700 175'4 11'3 164'1 ... ... 0
3462 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5750 180'4 11'3 169'1 ... ... 2
703 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5800 185'4 11'3 174'1 ... ... 0
444 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5850 190'4 11'3 179'1 ... ... 2
770 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5900 195'4 11'3 184'1 ... ... 14
45 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 5950 200'4 11'3 189'1 ... ... 2
1529 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 6000 205'4 11'3 194'1 ... ... 0
1167 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 6500 255'4 11'3 244'1 ... ... 0
200 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 6700 275'4 11'3 264'1 ... ... 0
451 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 6800 285'4 11'3 274'1 ... ... 0
468 ... ... 0'1 0'0 0'1 7000 305'4 11'3 294'1 ... ... 0

Market data is being provided by Telvent DTN and is the property of CME Group Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Market data is delayed at least 10 minutes. Website content is intended solely for users personal use and may not be redistributed. Sources are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy of data cannot be guaranteed. Futures and options trading involve significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. Carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Past performance is not indicative of future results. DairyVisor Inc. is registered with the CFTC as an introducing broker and is a member of the NFA.